- 100% Re-use
- 100% Re-purpose
- 100% Re-cycle
with the goal of
- 0% Waste
and guaranteed
- 100% confidentiality.
d-zine hub ECO e-Waste Recycling Centre

d-zine hub ECO is certified for scrap and e-waste recycling. Help us help our planet by getting rid of all your e-waste and clutter. FREE collection in and around Gauteng.
We do guarantee 100% confidentiality and We do Collect For Free in and around the Gauteng area.
We do RE-Cycle
Any items that make it through to this stage are completely deconstructed and reduced to the smallest achievable level to be collected and reprocessed or sold as raw materials directly Re-use or to other streams
We do RE-Manufacture
Will completely refurbish and make the product like new for resale in our retail store with a limited guarantee
We do RE-Use
Any item brought in is carefully assessed for immediate transfer to the retail store after cleaning, packaging and pricing thereof
We do RE-Purpose
Any items not sent to the store are then assessed for the possibility of being re-furbished, re-conditioned, re-structured, re-purposed then may be re-used, reprocessed or re-cycled
We do RE-Process
Will physically treat waste and/or raw materials from this or any other waste streams and/or Re-use and/or Re-purpose
- We do not put up a false front for the export of our e-Waste problem out of the country
- We do not process our waste to a certain stage and then pass it on to another recycler to complete the job
- We do not have any interest in your data so we 100% guarantee the destruction of it in everyone’s interests
- We do not allow toxic fumes/gasses to escape into the atmosphere thus reducing our ECO footprint
- We do not allow any of our waste to end up in landfills, thus reducing our ECO footprint even more
Office Equipment:-
Computers, Servers, Circuit Boards, Cables Plugs & Wiring, Monitors, Printers, Scanners, Photocopiers, Routers, Switches, UPS & Telephonic Equipment
Household Appliances:-
Cell Phones, Ozone Generators, Vacuum Cleaners, Irons, Steamers Lawn Mowers, Edge Trimmers and other Garden Implements
Kitchen Appliances:-
Stoves, Fridges, Deep Freezes, Washing Machines, Dishwashers, Driers, Micro Waves, Toasters, Coffee Makers, Urns, Kettles & Food Mixers etc.
Other Household:-
TV & Video equipment, Cables Plugs & Wiring, Audio Equipment, Telephonic Equipment, Hair Dryers, Burglar Alarms & CCTV, Electric Scooters
Other Equipment:-
Electric Motors, Power Tools, Welders, Small Workshop Equipment, Band Saws, Circular Saws, Thicknessers, Planers, Air Compressors, Car Alternators, Car Starters, Wiper Motors etc.
If it’s not on the list but has wires, motors and / or electronic components in it or on it, we’ll take it!
d-zine hub PUBLISHING,
d-zinehub ENGINEERING, and
d-zinehub ECO are
internal brands of d-zine hub
111 Conduit Street Johannesburg North Randburg Gauteng
2188 South Africa
We are a proud Member of the
Institute of Inventors and Innovators
d-zine hub ECO is licensed to recycle
Scrap and e-Waste